Saturday, November 13, 2010

Potato Soup

This is not really a recipe as far as there are no real measurements or anything. This is something I grew up eating and that I love and one of those things that is different every time I make it.

Peal and dice ( if you want a smooth texture go small.. if you want a chunkier soup go bigger) some potatoes, depending on how many people you want to serve as to how many potatoes.. that and the size of potatoes makes a difference too. So basically do enough potatoes to feed everyone and throw in some extra because it is great warmed up too :)

Put the potatoes in a pan with water just covering them and boil until soft, here again is up to you as to how soft. When I make it I end up with them very soft like mashed potatoes, but you can leave yours a bit chunkier.

I add salt and pepper to taste, I chop up some onion and garlic to taste. I also like to add bacon. This can be uncooked bacon added while boiling the potatoes, or cooked bacon pieces added after the potatoes are cooked or you can just sprinkle some on top. You could also use ham or sausage or nothing. My mom used to use pieces of halibut sometimes. I also like to add corn to mine, after the potatoes are soft I just add a can or some frozen corn to it. The last thing I so is add one can of evaporated milk, Cook until it is all warm and then spoon into a bowl and sprinkle with cheddar cheese.


1 comment:

  1. Comfort food! My mom made a sausage-and-potato soup that I loved. Same basic instructions. The ingredients are water, potatoes, sausage, a little bit of salt and a lot of black pepper. Cooking the sausages and the potatoes together makes the broth nice and greasy. I have no idea what kind of sausage she used to use, so I have fun trying all different kinds. I think that yukon gold potatoes are the kind that go all soft really fast, so I like to use some yukon gold and some firmer potatoes. I'm looking forward to trying some corn in it next time!
