Saturday, July 10, 2010

Grandpas Ice Cream

Yesterday we were moving some things around in storage and the kids saw the old fashioned hand crank ice cream maker that my grandpa used to make the best ice cream in the world. They said they wanted to make some ice cream so we brought it home.

When we got home I had to go looking for a recipe... I have not made it as an adult... but I do have wonderful memories of helping grandpa make it. I went searching online for a recipe and after much reading and every one talking about the White Mountain recipe being the best.. I decided to give it a try. We all wanted to try different flavors.. but decided since it was our first time that we would go with the simple vanilla and add toppings. I made a grocery list and headed to the store.. picked up the supplies.. and just as a note.. it is a LOT cheaper to buy the ice cream already made!

We cooked up everything... we were all surprised to learn that ice cream is cooked.. we had seen some recipes for starting with things uncooked.. but read that it would not be as creamy.. so we went for cooked. While it was cooling in the fridge we had some dinner and played some games.. then got everything ready to go.

Pour the cooled mix into the inside bucket... put the machine together... load up with ice and pour some rock salt over it. We tried to stick as close as we could to the directions.. because there are warnings that if you add too much salt it will freeze to quickly... not enough it won't be creamy... to be honest.. I was a bit worried, but here we go.

Missy started the cranking... she did the first ten minutes... then Dave took over and did the next ten minutes.. we did check at about 15 minutes to see how it was going.. all seemed well... so John took over for the last 5 to 10 minutes... after the first 5 he could hardly crank anymore so we figured it was done... and... it was :) It was very soft.. so we put it in the freezer to harden up... which... we were not patient enough for so we had very soft ice cream.. but it was still very good.

I did add a little extra vanilla when I was cooking it... not so good.. not even sure why I did it.. but I will not next time. We forgot to check our ice supply and almost ran out... we just barely made it. Next time we will make it a day ahead of time and let it freeze over night in the freezer to firm up so it does not all melt before we are done eating it.

( enough fruit makes it healthy right? )

All in all it was a wonderful experience.. I was able to share some very fun memories of having ice cream at my grand parents with my family... and we were able to start a new set of memories here with our kids and maybe some day our grandkids :)


  1. Very cool! I had a friend growing up and her Dad would always make homemade ice cream for her birthday parties, I still remember it being the best ice cream I've ever had :)

  2. I envy you having an ice cream contraption. I want one so badly, but can't afford it right now.
    We made cinnamon ice cream in class yesterday, and will be doing caramel today. We've got the industrial machine, but man, would I love to even have a personal one with a crank!
    The possibilities are so endless with ice cream. You should look up sorbet recipes too. They're more diet friendly and refreshing for the summer. All it is is fruit puree and syrup.
    Wish I was there!

  3. we have been collecting some sorbet recipes too.. do you happen to have one that you would suggest? You can get these machines for a few dollars at garage sales and thrift stores... if you really want one I will keep my eyes open and grab one if I see it :)
